Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Happy Tuesday...

Today was a much better day..... nothing chewed by the animals in my house.  Well, except for the avocado pit I found in the master bedroom.  We have an avocado tree in the front yard and the people in our house never get any of the very few avocados that the tree manages to grow.  The animals in the family and the neighborhood critters always seem to reach them first.  If it's not the squirrels, it could be the raccoons and finally, the ones that make it to the ground, are eaten by one of our dogs.  So when today I found yet another pit inside, I went outside and picked all the avocados I could reach without climbing on the roof.  It helped that we have this long tool with a basket on the end made for picking fruits.  In a few days when the avocados ripen up and are ready to eat, all the people will be very happy. :)

Monday, October 10, 2011


So I come home today from a day of tending 4 and 5 year old children.....only to find that my dogs have eaten a pair of my son's new shoes.....they cannot even be saved at all....then I walk into my bathroom and find that one of the dogs has ripped out one side of the toilet paper holder that was in the wall.....then I go to the laundry room to do  some wash and find that the bath mat in my older son's bathroom is soaking wet, like there was a flood......
What a great end to my day!!!!!
Now I must finish dinner.....I think everyone will eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that they make themselves.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Not a typical Sunday.....

     I have been working on stuff for school the entire day.  Well, except the hour I spent on Skype with my sister in Virginia and my cousin in Mexico City.
   The school stuff needed to be finished and it has been haunting me since the second week of school.  If I stop wasting time online, I will finish in time to watch my new episode of Dexter. 
     So off I go.....have a great week.